Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Hair Envy - Again

I'm feeling a little rubbish today, just really tired and looking crap. I really want to change my hair up, but if you have seen my hair story post, here, you will know why I am stopping myself from doing this.

So I thought I would blog about the hair I want, hoping it will get this feeling out of my system. 
This week, mainly today, I have been lusting over pastel hair. I just want it soooooooooooo badly but I cant do it. Ugh. I've damaged my hair too much, plus I would only want to dye it back black later on.

So yeah.. Do you have/had pastel hair? I've had almost all totally white blonde hair, and once very light purple when I left my purple shampoo on to long....

You can read my older hair envy here.
Emily x


  1. ah, i love that look as well! could never wear it though cuz it wouldn't suit my type...

    1. Same! I would damage my hair too much in the process as well :(

  2. I first died my hair when I was about 11,my natural hair colour is a medium brown so I put some blonde highlights in,I totally forget what that looked like.I then went blue then to black and to dark brown and to black cherry to ginger and I'm now back at my natural hair colour,well close to it.For the last few months I've been getting so sick of my hair,dying it dark brown which turns out black and then fades to a horrible golden brown.I hate the style and colour and get in such bad moods over it.I don't know what to do next I'm thinking of either black or black cherry again but really want to go platinum for the summer,is it really worth it? I have pale skin, I'm NW20 and have green eyes,any idea on what would suit me?? :)
    Loving the pictures above hun :)


    1. It's totally worth it if you have healthy hair and a reasonable amount of money to pay for it. Before you even start to go blonde from brown/black I would make sure you condition your hair with packs and masks until you can get it to the best condition you can. I am paler than NC15 and I think jet black and white blonde looked great on me, but the blonde killed my hair. It's length used to be just under my armpit, but it snapped off and looked so brittle, when I stripped my hair from black to blonde, now its around collar bone length. I think honestly if you can prepare yourself for what the damage would do to your hair, go for it. Overall from jet black to blonde it cost me like £150? Thats re dying my hair too, like every 3 weeks as my roots looked terrible! I did it myself too. Erm what else.... I wouldnt suggest trying to do this in a weekend, more like gradually over the month, this will let your hair recover.

      If you want more specific Q&A email me at There I will be able to answer your worries :) xx

    2. I read through the story on your hair and couldn't beleive how short it got.You've gone through so many hair colours over the years.Well my aunties actually a hairdresser so she would do it for me but my hair is naturally quite frizzy and I have a lot of split ends at the minute from constantly straighting my hair everyday.I know Black is quite hard to fade but I think I might just go with it because looking back at pictures now it actually did really suit me.Hate that stage in your life when you just don't know what to do anymore with your hair lol :)
      Thanks for all your help! :)

